How much is $100 BNB in naira?

$100 BNB in naira: The exchange rate for BNB in Nigeria can be gotten from different exchange platforms as rates are always changing on these sites and apps. The current value of a coin is prone to change in the next 5 minutes due to the high level of volatility in the crypto market. To know how much is BNB in Naira, you could do a quick Google search of the current price for 1BNB. Whatever pops up on Google is the current prevailing rate of BNB on the crypto market.

At the time of writing this post, Google returned that BNB was trading for a little above ₦155,000. Note that this naira value of 1 BNB is calculated at the international official rate. This is the rate at which commercial banks will exchange dollars for naira. However, as a smart crypto trader, you can get more money for your crypto trades when you trade at an unofficial black-market rate. Trading with Dart Africa avails you with the ability to get more money for the coins that you sell.

For instance, the exchange value of 1 BTC at the time of posting was ₦21,525,026 on Dart Africa. Checking the value of the coin on Google returns that BTC is trading for ₦13,531,233 on the crypto market, which is also a true representation of the value of BNB.

Some exchanges will exchange BTC at ₦16 million; others may offer it at ₦19 million. The catch in all of these is that you will get different answers to the question “How much is $100 BNB in naira” from different platforms in Nigeria. As a smart trader, you must go with the platform that promises the highest return and guarantees the security of your coins.

$100 BNB in naira

Dart Africa is that trading platform that not only trades coins for cash but also does it fast and at the best rate in Nigeria. As the value of crypto changes from time to time, it is important to know how to check the value of a coin on Dart Africa. Nothing to worry about; the process is quite straightforward, even if it is your first time exploring this service. Dart Africa’s coin calculator is an instrumental tool that was developed to help traders get information on crypto rates in a few seconds.

Check BNB rates instantly with the coin calculator

The following steps are a simple guide to successfully check the current exchange value of BNB in naira and cedis:

  1. Head to with any browser. Could be on your mobile phone or PC.
  2. Click the button that says “check rates.” Or click here to take you directly to the page.
  3. Select a coin and amount. Now that you are already on the calculator, you only need to fill in the necessary fields to get the instant calculation of your coin’s current exchange value.
  4. For this post, select BNB as your coin type and 100 in the “USD amount” field. That suggests that you are checking the exchange rate for $100 BNB. If you enter 100 in the “coin amount” field, it implies that you are checking the rate for 100 BNB, not a hundred dollars worth of BNB.

Immediately after you have successfully entered the details, the rates automatically appear on the top of your screen. Nothing could go wrong with this process. Note, this coin calculator is free and available to all. Visitors do not need to register an account or pay some amount to check a rate. It’s always there for anyone to leverage. Also, the same process goes when you want to check for the rate of other cryptocurrencies that we have listed on the exchange. If after you are done checking those rates and you think you should sell a coin for cash, you are more than welcome.

How to sell a $100 BNB for cash in Nigeria

Get Dart Africa on Google Play Store by entering “Dart Africa” on the search bar. Hit the install button and continue to registration. The website is also available on all devices. Go to, click the “sell coin” button and be on your way to unlimited crypto trading. Here are the steps you need to sell your first BNB on Dart Africa:

  1. Click on Sign-up.
  2. Enter registration details as displayed on the registration page. Choose a username and password. Enter a valid email address and phone number. Select your country and submit your details.
  3. Proceed to check your email address for an email verification mail. Click the link and proceed to log in to your account.
  4. Choose your coin type and enter the coin amount. This stage is the same as what we have explained with the coin calculator earlier on this page. Choose BNB as your coin type and enter the amount accordingly.
  5. Submit the trade.
  6. Copy the wallet address and transfer funds.
  7. Wait for funds in your wallet after 2 confirmations, and you can withdraw instantly.

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